Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Synthesis Essay Martin Luther King - 1785 Words
Synthesis Essay – Martin Luther King Jr. MSgt Demetrius N. Booth Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy November 7, 2017 Instructor: MSgt. Adrian L. Hall MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Our founding fathers could not have understood the soulful purpose of their words. Words penned in ink with mortal hands on to parchment but forever cemented in the bedrock of this great nation. The declaration of Independence echoes those words through all generations â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†. It was those guiding principles that shed light on the†¦show more content†¦Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, 2014A). At white’s only diner counter tops he led sit ins, instead of accepting riding at the back of the bus he staged boycotts and he galvanized a nation with the march on Washington. From church pulpits across the south MLK used Inspirational Motivation to encourage a people to the stand against the existing state of affairs and reach for a better future for them selves and their children. With words he struck the hearts of a people and convinced them that the hardships they would endure were far better than the menial existence they were currently living, that nonviolence protest was a small price to pay for the promise of what lay ahead (Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, 2014A). MLK understood that a fiery sermon about equality and justice would not be enough. He would need to follow through with action, that action was managing change. Leading Change was not easy. He had to lead a country through, Janssen’s model of change. Every person worked through Jensen’s Apartment where they experienced the contentment, denial, confusion, and renewal phases. The south during the time of the civil rights movement was a hostile environment (Thomas Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, 2014C). The actions of the SCLC were in direct contrast of the accepted way of life for CaucasianShow MoreRelatedPurpose of Education Essay669 Words  | 3 PagesSynthesis Essay: The Purpose of Education Everyday we go to school to receive our education, but what is the purpose of education? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, â€Å"The Purpose of Education†and Frank O’Connor’s short story, â€Å"Christmas Morning,†both discuss what is the purpose of education. The purpose of education is to acknowledge not only one’s intelligence, but also one’s character, provide one with the ability to make decisions and achieve their goals. One of the purposes of educationRead MoreThe Philosophy : German Egyptologist Hellmut Brunner Translates The Inscription Of Antef1490 Words  | 6 Pagesgiven. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Animal Research Animal Testing - 1700 Words
JT Forster Foster 1 Mr. Malcolm English 11 07/31/2013 Animal Testing Imagine being poked and prodded with a needle, all to test for a new drug against bacteria. Would that be okay if the medicine being used would eventually save countless lives? This is the one of the many issues behind the debate that is animal research. Some people argue for models, taking the use of animals completely out of the research equation, while others advocate the continued use of animals, only if a standard level of care is set. Ever since the late sixties and early seventies, animal research has been under fire for what they do. This is mainly due to the changing perspectives on the†¦show more content†¦The second factor, which is ecology, came about because of a large increase in the popularity for the field. As the many researchers in the field started proving that humans cannot simulate the same ecosystem in a lab, the next step was easy to connect the ecosystem to what it looks like in a lab. Animal research has many su ccesses under its name, and many of them end up being skipped over when people attempt to bring down what has happened. Some of these could not have just happened in a test tube, and others are much quicker due to the many different methods and types of testing that could have been used during experimentation. These successes range extensively from finding cures for cervical cancer, a project that used mice, to creating a treatment for human children with bone growth plate problems through observation and testing of animals bones. Another example is that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was studied on animal models and later tested on rats, linking the damage to a shortage of iron while the fetus was forming. These results gave doctors something to fight the issue with, it was in the form of iron supplements. Just over four million babies are born every year in the United States. Out of those four million babies, about forty thousand are born with the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, making its appea rance in humans more common than the autism spectrum disorders in humans. These stories are more typical
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Music Firms Want EU to Cut Off Pirates Free Essays
The plan, backed by French President Sarkozy, asks Internet service providers to disconnect users who illegally download copyrighted music by Leigh Phillips With sales of compact discs across Europe in free-fall, the record industry has called on the EU to follow French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s lead and force internet service providers to disconnect customers who illegally download music. â€Å"Up until now, ISPs have allowed copyright theft to run rampant on their networks, causing a massive devaluation of copyrighted music,†said John Kennedy, the CEO of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), the record industry trade association. â€Å"The time for action is now  from the EU and other governments. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Firms Want EU to Cut Off Pirates or any similar topic only for you Order Now †The IFPI believes the mood of indulging ISPs and their downloading customers is coming to an end. â€Å"2007 was the year ISP responsibility started to become an accepted principle,†he said. â€Å"2008 must be the year it becomes reality.†Last November, president Sarkozy backed an initiative in partnership with the record industry and internet providers that would see ISPs automatically disconnect customers who illegally download copyrighted material. â€Å"More than anyone else in 2007, our industry has to thank French President Nicolas Sarkozy and the chairman of FNAC [the France-based chain of record and electronics superstores], Denis Olivennes, for the change of mood,†said Mr Kennedy. The Sarkozy agreement, announced in November, is the most significant milestone yet in the task of curbing piracy on the internet. The French president’s move requires ISPs to disconnect customers using an automated system and to test filtering technologies. Mr Kennedy made comments in an IFPI report on the state of the sector. Although there was a 40 percent increase in digital sales globally in 2007, according to the report, there was a 10 percent decline in sales of compact discs last year. The report also praised government moves against illegal downloading in Sweden, Belgium, the UK, the US and Asia. Provided by EUobserverâ€â€For the latest EU related news BusinessWeek Europe January 28, 2008 1:04PM EST How to cite Music Firms Want EU to Cut Off Pirates, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Turkish Influences in Classical Music free essay sample
Dawdled Turkish Influences In Classical Music The Intersections between cultures and musical traditions can result In Interesting and/or drastic changes in ones music compositions. Significantly, in the mid-18th century, this was called The Age of Enlightenment or The Age of Reason. It was due to socio-political changes, the Turkish Influence caused a dispute between religion and a mind that Is curious to want to know and understand through reason based on evidence and proof.It was also in this period that the usage of Turkish elements by imposers like Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Beethoven in classical compositions was in vogue. This essay explores how the Turkish influences penetrate Into classical music, when it started and what are some music elements that these composers Like Mozart and Beethoven choose to Implement Into their classical compositions. In the early 20th century, a group of Turkish musicians who called themselves Turk Belier (The Turkish Five) , consisting of Neal Zamia Sakes, Has Ferrite Allan, Luvs Camel Erick, Camel Re$t Ere and Aimed Adman Saying had studied music InEurope and were considered the five pioneers who introduced western classical music into Turkey. We will write a custom essay sample on Turkish Influences in Classical Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were renowned composers with political connections in their time who had composed some of the most excellent Turkish classical pieces during the early age of the Republic Of Turkey. They Introduced the mix of Turkish and Classical music in which the traditional themes of old Turkish music were used together with the elements from Western Classical music that they had studied to produce interesting new compositions with a polyphonic structure.Some of their impositions consists of five symphonies; four operas; concertos (two for piano, violin, viola and cello); various orchestral works; Chamber music and vocal music. Aimed Adman Saying composed the famous Yuans Mere Oratorio. One of the most famous classical composers In the 18th century to compose classical music with Turkish Influences Is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Some of his compositions with Turkish influence are Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, KICK and an opera called The abduction from the Seraglio. In his Piano Sonata No. 1 in A major, KICK, its 3rd or sat movement called Rondo All Truck opus 113 was so popular that it was often heard or played on Its own. It has the Imitation of the umber from the Turkish military bands also known as the Turkish Janissary bands, thus it was in a lively style of a march. This section, with its steady rhythmic pulse of a 2/4 meter and quick tempo, is a reflection of Janissary music. All Truck has repeated notes, ornaments to stress the beat and loud or soft passages which are characteristics of the Turkish style.In All Truck, the percussion instruments play a rhythm that sounds like the arching cadence of the soldiers. The rhythm is made up of:. Similar to: Left Left Left Right Left The melodic instruments in the Turkish music often emphasize the rhythm by playing grace notes , either by one note or several in succession, on the beat. Usually, In the last movement of the Turkish March, it will sometimes be performed on a piano and it will be played with a Turkish stop which is 1 OFF bass drum thus allowing it to have extra percussion effects.Another famous composer who got influenced by the Turkish culture and who also composed Turkish themed pieces is Ludwig Van Beethoven. In his highly acclaimed rhea Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Pop. 125, its last movement known as Marcia All RCA is a well- known classical march theme; it also, like Mozart Turkish March was Mitten in a Turkish style. Marcia All Truck comes from an overture and incidental music that was for a play by August von Stakeout called The Ruins of Athens (Pop. 113). This was composed by Beethoven in 1811 and it was premiered in Pest in 1812. Rakish March appears as item number 4 of that incidental music piece and was sung in a florid variation by a tenor soloist assisted by the tenors and basses of the hours, accompanied by Turkish instruments playing pianissimo Marcia All Truck is n B flat major, in 2/4 time and in the tempo of vice. The organization of the dynamic scheme makes the piece sound like a procession starting out with pianissimo followed by Pico a Pico crescendo rising to a fortissimo in climax and then going back to pianissimo reaching the coda.The instruments such as brass, strings, woodwinds, percussions and voices serve as a section of lowered intensity found in between two more full forced emotion charged sections. Turkish styled music can be found mostly in finales of long pieces which may otherwise be the most relaxed and least organized movements of any classical work. rhea Turkish influence in classical music has indeed add ed much vigor and passion to its otherwise milder form, a genre of music that is really interesting and refreshing to listen to.
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